Not So Relevant Malaysian Facts
- Spender
- Steam
One word that has naughty connotation everywhere else but not in Malaysia:
- Rubber
Two letters that does not exist in the Malay language:
- V, X (it only appears in words borrowed from English)
Some Malay words you probably don’t use in everyday conversation:
- Senak, mahligai, keterampilan, arakian.
If you can speak English:
…you’ll probably understand a lot of words in Bahasa Malaysia.
Two English TV shows that had to be renamed in Malaysia due to negative connotations in their titles:
- Xena the Warrior Princess
- Mighty Morphin and the Power Rangers
Some English movies that had to be renamed in Malaysia due to negative connotation in their titles:
- Hellboy (renamed to “Super Sapiens”)
- Barney’s Big Adventure (renamed to “Pontianak Sundal Malam”)
- Ring 2 (renamed to “Samara: Oh God Not Another Scary Movie”)
Some Malaysian gameshows that probably would not be syndicated overseas:
- Sendaloka Bersama Singer
- Tekaria
- Kuci-Kuci Pampers Hey
Barney = pontianak sundal malam
By, at 4/12/2005 12:22:00 pm
In their absent-mindedness, some of our students overseas asked for 'rubber' while they mean something else. Priceless.
NSDS3HvLDjJd, at 4/12/2005 09:34:00 pm
IF we can speak english, they bahasa is simple, cause many words are copied exactly. Still they don't want to admit it.
Anonymous, at 4/13/2005 07:54:00 am
Simon, your thoughts are funny. Hehe. :D
Mumsgather, at 4/13/2005 10:43:00 am
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