American Idol IS BACK!!!
- “Horrendous.”
- “What’s up, dawg?”
- “Ghastly.”
- “You’re the sweetest.”
- “Keeping it real, dude.”
Yeah, baby, American Idol is BACK. In the interim months, you can have all those pretender filler shows like Aka-lamey Fantasia, or your One In A Million, but AMERICAN IDOL is the REAL DEAL, the big daddy of ‘em all.

If you’re new the series, some things to look forward to…
- Simon Cowell’s man boobs bulging out of his tight, tight black baby tees.
- How has-been popstar Paula Abdul tries to keep sober every episode.
- Ryan Seacreast two day old stubble. (I can just hear the fanboys going "rowrrrrr...")
- How many time per episode Randy Jackson does that ‘Satan’ symbol.
- The freaky non-talent losers that appear on the show thinking they’re Mariah Carey. Some of these people need a SERIOUS reality check…
Can’t wait for next week’s episode. Yeah, baby. I wonder if William Hung is going to make another appearance this year…

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